This course is fundamental in the effort to understand the behavior of the human body and its interaction with the external environment and the laws that govern it. Principles and methods from disciplines such as mechanics, engineering, anatomy or physiology are applied and integrated to the study of the movement of the human body and the forces that cause it, as well as its association with the practice of physical exercise and sports.
The applicability at a professional level covers the description and analysis of sports techniques to find the most effective and safe ones, the development of new sports materials and the improvement of existing ones and, as a consequence of all of the above, the prevention of the appearance of injuries in the musculoskeletal system or improvement in quality of life.
Knowing the operation of the biological tissues and the factors that can cause benefit or harm to the body during physical exercise and sports is essential for the CAFYD professional.
Similarly, it is necessary to acquire skills that allow qualitative and quantitative assessments on which predictive models can be based and developed, providing advance knowledge about the possible consequences that different mechanical stresses could induce on the human body.
  • Profesor: Medina Porqueres Iván
  • Profesor: Ramírez Pérez Laura
  • Profesor: Rosa Dayana Patricia